Recaredo's events
Recaredo, Official Supplier of the 37th America’s Cup 2024

Recaredo has been selected as the Official Supplier for the 2024 America’s Cup, providing the official Corpinnat for this 37th edition.
Read MoreRecaredo celebrates one hundred years of history

To honour the memory of Josep Mata Capellades, Recaredo presents a unique corpinnat: ‘Homenatge a Josep Mata Capellades 2004’, in a special edition of 2,850 bottles, all numbered.
Read More3rd Corpinnat Gastronomic Festival to run from 15 June to 31 July

The Corpinnat Gastronomic Festival has cemented its status as a standout food and wine experience for discovering Catalonia’s restaurants in the most beautiful spaces of wineries located in the heart of the Penedès region.
Read MoreRecaredo participates in Gérard Basset Foundation charity auction

The Golden Vines Fine Wine, Rare Spirit & Experience Global Online Charity Auction, offered over 100 lots from renowned wineries around the world.
Read MoreRecaredo’s vineyards used as setting for ‘Heirs to the Land’

Recaredo’s estates have been used as a setting for the television series based on a novel of the same name by the writer Ildefonso Falcones.
Read MoreRecaredo participa a la subhasta solidària ‘Vins per a Ucraïna’

El periodista especialitzat Miquel Hudin organitza una subhasta solidària de vins per recaptar fons per a tres organitzacions humanitàries dedicades a ajudar a la població d’Ucraïna
Read MoreFriends of Gastronomy pay Tribute to Antoni Mata

Cocina Hermanos Torres takes the initiative in organising a lunch to pay tribute to Antoni Mata Casanovas, the chairman of Recaredo.
Read MoreVisites solidàries a Recaredo en benefici a La Marató de TV3

Gràcies a la implicació i col·laboració de tots els visitants que van assistir a la cita, es van recaptar un total de 1.120€ solidaris que s’han lliurat de forma íntegra a La Marató de TV3.
Read MoreRecaredo es convertirà en un cinema per un dia durant el Most Festival

El tast de llargues criances de Recaredo i la projecció del documental ‘Le champagne a rendez vous avec la lune” tindrà lloc el dissabte 5 de juny a les 18h de a les instal·lacions del celler.
Read MoreRecaredo acollirà la cloenda del Festival de cultura EVA

Recaredo i Celler Credo posaran el punt i final al cicle del Festival en Veu Alta (EVA) el proper diumenge dia 25 d’octubre a les 19:00H.
Read MoreRecaredo tanca el cicle de sopars ‘Recuperem La Il·lusió’

Recaredo i Celler Credo posen el punt i final al cicle de sopars a la fresca ‘Recuperem la Il·lusió’, una iniciativa en format ‘pop up’ que ha comptat amb una gran acollida per part del públic.
Read MoreRecaredo with the campaign ‘Wine Tourism for Health Professionals’

The initiative was born with the aim of thanking and rewarding the efforts of professionals in the field of health and other essential sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreWe’re reopening our doors to visitors

The Recaredo family and team are pleased to announce that the doors of our winery are now open to visitors. Now, more than ever, it’s time to regain a taste for life together.
Read MoreCalendari de sopars d’estiu a RECAREDO

De mitjans de juny a finals de setembre, Recaredo es converteix en la seu efímera de més de 30 restaurants de proximitat.
Read MoreRecaredo to support local restaurants by making its facilities available to them

“Let’s bring back the joy” is an initiative in which Recaredo and Celler Credo will make their facilities available to local dining establishments to help relaunch the restaurant sector.
Read MoreReserva Particular, among Best Sparkling Wines of Spain

The Spanish Association of Journalists and Writers of Wine (AEPEV) has chosen Reserva Particular de Recaredo 2007 as one of the Best Wines of Spain in the category of sparkling wines.
Read MoreRecaredo supports Verema Solidària

Recaredo is once again collaborating with the Verema Solidària, an initiative of the association Impulsa Fundraising that combines territory, wine and social responsibility, to combat poverty and social exclusion.
Read MoreCeller Credo to host second edition of Solidarity Harvest

This year, the second edition of the event will raise money for projects aimed at increasing social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the Penedès and Empordà region.
Read MoreTV3 explores Recaredo’s cellars

The TV programme Catalunya Experience paid a visit to one of Recaredo’s most singular vineyards with two Japanese sommeliers to highlight the authentic character of terroir sparkling wines.
Read MoreMolins de Rei Tasting Association recognises Recaredo for quality, originality and sustainability

The Molins de Rei Tasting Association has awarded Recaredo the Envinat de l’Any 2015 prize in recognition of its “commitment to quality, indigenous varieties and long ageing, and its respect for the environment”.
Read MoreRecaredo celebrates ten years of a unique commitment together with Bureau Veritas

Recaredo marks the passing of ten years since the independent verification body Bureau Veritas certified the production processes – from work done in the vineyard, to vinification in the cellar and ageing of sparkling wines – that make Recaredo’s wines synonymous with excellence and respect for the landscape where they originate.
Read MoreRecaredo celebrates 50th anniversary of “Reserva Particular” (1962-2012)

Recaredo celebrated the 50th anniversary of its emblematic “Reserva Particular” cava accompanied by Sommelier Josep Roca and pianist Omar Sosa. Recaredo offered an exclusive tasting of six vintages of Recaredo Reserva Particular, drawn from the family wine collection (2001, 1999, 1996, 1993, 1991 and 1984).
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