Recaredo News

Recaredo supports Verema Solidària

This year, Recaredo and Celler Credo are once again collaborating with the Verema Solidària [“Charity Harvest”], an initiative of the association Impulsa Fundraising that combines territory, wine and social responsibility, to combat poverty and social exclusion. Through various activities carried out at the winery over the year, Recaredo has raised nearly €1,800 for the project. This year, the money collected will go to Associació Quilòmetre Zero and the work cooperative Alba Futur.

The first fundraising activity organised by Recaredo was a gastronomic event last autumn that paired sparkling wines and llonganissa sausages from Casa Sendra. The event raised a total of €231.40 and started the counter running for this year’s edition of the Verema Solidària. In the spring, ticket sales for a fun leaf-pulling activity at the Celler Credo vineyards raised another €390. Later in the year, on 12 October, a day of “solidarity visits” generated a total of €1,160. This was the third consecutive year that the event was held at the winery to raise money for the Verema Solidària.

The fourth edition of the Verema Solidària included four harvests (three in the district of Tarragona and one in Lleida) and has raised a total of €20,688, beating the targets set for the 2019 edition. In addition to all these fundraising activities, the Verema Solidària contributes the bottles of wine produced in each edition, donations that are not linked to any activity, and through a tasting and pairing event held in May of the year following the harvest.

Projects supported by the 2019 edition

  • Associació Quilòmetre Zero in Tarragona, carries out projects that focus on children, teenagers and youth who are in situations of vulnerability or at risk of social exclusion.
  • Fundació Alba Futur, based in the county of Pallars Jussà, aims to create jobs for people at risk of social exclusion and differently-abled individuals, using the agricultural activity as a therapeutic tool.

Estrany Solidari 2017, Celler Credo and Verema Solidària’s wine. 

Estrany Solidari is the end result of the effort and enthusiasm of nearly 200 people who took part in Celler Credo’s Verema Solidària (Solidarity Harvest) on 16 September 2017. Volunteers hand-harvested3800 kg of Xarel·lo grapes, which Celler Credo had reserved exclusively for the event. TThe fruitharvested was at the point of full ripeness and blessed by the generosity of nature, which offered us grapes that were healthy, expressive and had great potential to convey the direct, honest, transparent style of our wines.


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