Recaredo News

Recaredo with the campaign ‘Wine Tourism for Health Professionals’

Recaredo collaborates with the solidarity campaign ‘Wine Tourism for Health Professionals’, an Ocio Vital initiative that was born with the aim of thanking and rewarding the efforts of professionals in the field of health and other essential sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Until the end of September 2020, Recaredo will offer a free visit to all those workers linked to the world of health, food, pharmaceuticals, transport and emergency services.

The Recaredo Team and Family are thus strengthening their commitment to supporting professionals who have been at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19. “It’s been a few months of uncertainty, effort and adaptation to a new reality and now we are more eager than ever to meet again,” says Ferran Junoy, director of Recaredo. “From Recaredo we want to thank the work and professionalism of the people who have dedicated – and still dedicate today – their daily efforts to take care of us and to avoid the effects of the COVID-19 on the population. That’s why we think it’s important to collaborate with the tools we have at our disposal and join the Ocio Vital campaign” he adds.

In order to enjoy the experience, all those interested must register for the campaign through the Ocio Vital platform, where they will have an invitation that they will have to exchange. Also, reservations to visit Recaredo will be made with prior reservation by email or through the number 938 91 02 14.

The visit will be valid for a health professional (or other sectors mentioned) and a companion. Also, accreditation and/or identification will be necessary to be able to verify the belonging of the visitor to the mentioned professional groups.

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