Recaredo News

Recaredo to support local restaurants by making its facilities available to them

Over 30 restaurants will participate in “Let’s bring back the joy – #alteucostat [“by your side”]”, an initiative in which Recaredo and Celler Credo will make their facilities in the centre of Sant Sadurní d’Anoia available to local dining establishments so they can offer al fresco dining at the winery. The aim is to attract customers and help relaunch the restaurant sector. Thanks to the project, Recaredo’s courtyard will become a temporary location for these restaurants.

The aim of creating these pop-up restaurants is to reactivate restaurants hard hit by the Covid-19 crisis. Ferran Junoy, Recaredo’s director, said: “The situation brought about by the pandemic highlights the need for us to cooperate, listen to each other, stand together – in short, to be more human and engaged, to get along. We need to move forward and pull together to regain a sense of joy and hope.”

Recaredo and Celler Credo will make its courtyard and kitchen facilities available to local restaurants, with a particular focus on supporting establishments that do not have a terrace or that have a very limited capacity. For health safety reasons, the number of diners for each session will be limited to 35. Guests will be distributed around an outdoor space that occupies over 400 square metres.

In evening dining sessions from mid-June (in accordance with the phases of the lockdown exit), participating restaurants will be able to offer al fresco dinners in Recaredo’s courtyard and bring their regular customers back together. Each establishment will design its gastronomic proposal and manage reservations directly.

The illustrator Salvador Vinyes has created a poster for the project and lent shape and colour to the “happy prospect of once again meeting with friends in the restaurant sector every evening” after some very tough months.



List of confirmaded restaurants

Alkimia, Al Marge, L’Àpat, Bar del Mercat de Vilanova, Bodega Sepúlveda, Cal Blay, Ka l’Arnau, Restaurant Clàudia, Cal Cuiner, Ca l’Isidre, Cal Pere del Maset, Cal Ton, Cal Xim, Casa Joan, La Cava d’en Sergi, Cigró d’Or, Denassus, Dos Pebrots, Fishhh Illa, Fonda Neus, Granja Elena, Gresca, Infinit Restaurant, Llesqueria 1900, Monocrom, Il Picarolo, Plata Bistró, La Puntual, Rasoterra, Ribera Manero, Shanghai, Slow & Low, Tastet, Velòdrom Miquel Sòria, Vilagut Restaurant



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